Lee Custom Farming utilizes a CLAAS front disc mower & conditioner and CLAAS Rear disc mower and conditioner to cut your hay crop.
Equipment used for this service:
- CLAAS DISC Mowers + Conditioners
Raking & Tedding
We offer Raking and Tedding services either individually or as a part of a full service package including hay harvesting.
When time is of essence, Lee Custom Farming can assist you promptly in any part of your haying operations.
Lee Custom Farming offers baling of small or large square bales.
Small square bales can be grouped in 21 bale bundles utilizing a Bale Baron 4250P. The large square bales can also be plastic wrapped using our KUHN SW 4014 square bale wrapper.
Alternatively we can also wrap your own round bales if required.
At the end of the baling process, we will move bales to your storage building or transport them if necessary.